Well this is the story I figured I’d go have a look at at a project bomber for sale less than an hour from where I live. Was in our ads but had limited info A 49 B12. I was expecting a half finished machine with half the parts missing Well when the owner opened the door for a look I couldn’t believe the workmanship that went into this machine. Grounds up restoration to original specs except for the powertrain.
Apparently a couple of friends worked on bombers for a long time and this was their pride n joy
Mel Bilinsky and Cam McClean from Cranberry Portage put their heart n soul into this project. It is better than what came off the assembly line. Sadly they both passed on and didn’t have a chance to see their project completed
A matter of a week and it could be completed with all new parts and some refurbished
I couldn’t believe my eyes when he should me the parts 10 brand new tires n refurbished rims new set of tracks cleats n bolts assembly
New refurbished skis with summer wheels and the list went on right down to the teardrop tail lights. Even kept a journal of their work right down to how many layers of Laquor they used on the wood
I showed my wife and she was impressed and it takes a lot to impress her lol.
I hope I can do justice to this bomber with the completion of it.
Just wondering if anyone knows of the history of this machine or is there any Picts on this forum of them restoring it. Thx