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Messages - WANTABE

Pages: [1]
You shouldn't have any problems getting the machine back into Canada. I brought the 1959 narrow guage I'm currently working on back into Canada from North Dakota. The only issue the American side had was that I had the proper chains etc. to secure the machine to the trailor. When I  got back to Canadian customs I had to take the bill of sale in and they did up the paper work which included paying GST. After that they came out and inspected the machine and I was on my way.



Metal Bombardiers / Re: JEFF'S 69 REBUILD !!
« on: July 07, 2011, 01:33:14 pm »
The guy I delt with is in Vancouver but the windows were made and shipped from Oregan in the States.
The only change I would make is to have the sliding window on the inside instead of the outside. I guess I wasn't explicit enough on the configuration when I ordered them. Very easy to order using their order form, the radius for the corners is 2.5 inches


Metal Bombardiers / Re: JEFF'S 69 REBUILD !!
« on: July 07, 2011, 10:36:15 am »
Pictures are on the way!!

Thanks OT.


Metal Bombardiers / Re: JEFF'S 69 REBUILD !!
« on: July 06, 2011, 09:30:34 pm »
To give you another alternative I just had new door windows made for my 1959 Bombardier from a company called Peninsula Glass Company. The cost was $187.00 a window plus shippind and hanleingThey are very close to the original. I had mine made slightly smaller than original so there was some wiggle room when installing. Not too sure how to post pictures on this site, so if your interested in seeing the windows email me at and I will forward pictures.


General Discussion / Re: ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS Please sign in.
« on: December 14, 2010, 12:35:08 pm »
Hello to all you Bombardier enthusiasts. I live at Bakers Narrows Manitoba. Currently have two machines. The first machine is a 1948 woody that I rebuilt in about 1995 - 96 and the second is 1959 narrow guage metal that I am currently working on. A new power train has been installed and now working on the body. Just retired so will have more time to work on it!!!!


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