Author Topic: Bombardier license plates  (Read 11704 times)

Offline plate-man

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Bombardier license plates
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:15:37 pm »

I am very pleased to have found this forum and have been lurking here for a few months, looking for license plates used on Bombardiers. I have been interested in license plates since 1987 and have a collection of different Manitoba, Quebec and other plates. Does anyone on this forum run plates (real ones, not novelty designs) on their snow vehicles? I've managed to collect a couple of plates thanks to some very helpful folks here in Manitoba, and would be interested in collecting some of the years I am missing.

Perhaps folks here would be interested in my research, which indicates the following plates issued for Bombardiers (ie. tracked snow machines in excess of 450KGs):

MB: up to 1997 plates started with letter S and 1-4 numbers, 1997-present regular car plates but with SV sticker top left
QC: up to 1989 plates started with letters SN, from 1989-1995 plates start with C and have a December (12) month sticker top left

I would also be interested in seeing any photos anyone might have of these scarce plates in use. I did find a photo of one on here a while back from 1949 with MB plate S-54, that was a real classic.

For my collection I am looking for the above plates. Does anyone here have any of these plates either in use or on junked snow machines that are no longer being used? It would be a shame for them to be tossed out as I am quite interested in collecting them!

Thanks for reading my post and I hope to hear from anyone with photos, plates or info.

Photo of current MB Bombardier plate:
« Last Edit: December 23, 2019, 06:57:51 pm by plate-man »

Offline plate-man

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Re: Bombardier license plates
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2019, 06:58:25 pm »
Back after nearly 10 years away. Seems Manitoba has eliminated the SV plate category on March 1, 2019. Just checking if anyone might have a plate or two? Interested in any year from 1938-present.